Poslad, Stefan

Ubiquitous computing : smart devices, environments and interactions Stefan Poslad. - New Dehli Wiley india 2009 - 473P 23cm

Ubiquitous Computing : basics and vision --
Applications and requirements --
Smart devices and services --
Smart mobiles, cards and device networks --
Human-computer interaction --
Tagging, sensing and controlling --
Context-aware systems --
Intelligent systems (IS) / Patricia Charlton --
Intelligent system interaction / Patricia Charlton --
Autonomous systems and artificial life --
Ubiquitous communication --
Management of smart devices --
Ubiquitous system : challenges and outlook.

Gives a rounded introduction to the complex field of ubiquitous computing in one volume. * Describes how current technology models based upon mobile wireless services relate to and can evolve to support the ubiquitous computing vision


Ubiquitous computing.
Context-aware computing.
Human-computer interaction.

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