Linz, Peter

Introduction to formal languages and automata Introduction to formal languages & automata Peter Linz. - 6th ed., - New delhi, Jones and Bartlett India, 2018 - 449p, 23cm.,

Introduction to the theory of computation --
Finite automata --
Regular languages and regular grammars --
Properties of regular languages --
Context-free languages --
Simplification of context-free grammars and Normal Forms--
Pushdown automata --
Properties of context-free languages --
Turing machines --
Other models of Turing machines --
A hierarchy of formal languages and automata --
Limits of algorithmic computation --
Other models of computation --
An overview to computational complexity.

Formal languages, automata, computability, and related matters form the major part of the theory of computation. This textbook is designed for an introductory course for computer science and computer engineering majors who have knowledge of some higher-level programming language,


Formal languages.
Machine theory.

519.736 / LIN