Advanced signal integrity for high-speed digital designs

Advanced signal integrity for high-speed digital designs Stephen H. Hall and Howard L. Heck - Hoboken: John Wiley, 2009 - 660p

Introduction: The Importance of Signal Integrity (Pages: 1-8)
Electromagnetic Fundamentals for Signal Integrity (Pages: 9-63)
Ideal Transmission-Line Fundamentals (Pages: 65-144)
Crosstalk (Pages: 145-199)
Nonideal Conductor Models (Pages: 201-248)
Electrical Properties of Dielectrics (Pages: 249-295)
Differential Signaling (Pages: 297-314)
Mathematical Requirements for Physical Channels (Pages: 315-346)
Network Analysis for Digital Engineers (Pages: 347-415)
Topics in High-Speed Channel Modeling (Pages: 417-442)
I/O Circuits and Models (Pages: 443-497)
Equalization (Pages: 499-548)
Modeling and Budgeting of Timing Jitter and Noise (Pages: 549-603)
System Analysis Using Response Surface Modeling (Pages: 605-636)

A synergistic approach to signal integrity for high-speed digital design
This book is designed to provide contemporary readers with an understanding of the emerging high-speed signal integrity issues that are creating roadblocks in digital design. Written by the foremost experts on the subject, it leverages concepts and techniques from non-related fields such as applied physics and microwave engineering and applies them to high-speed digital design—creating the optimal combination between theory and practical applications.

Following an introduction to the importance of signal integrity, chapter coverage includes:

Electromagnetic fundamentals for signal integrity
Transmission line fundamentals
Non-ideal conductor models, including surface roughness and frequency-dependent inductance
Frequency-dependent properties of dielectrics
Differential signaling
Mathematical requirements of physical channels
S-parameters for digital engineers
Non-ideal return paths and via resonance
I/O circuits and models
Modeling and budgeting of timing jitter and noise
System analysis using response surface modeling
Each chapter includes many figures and numerous examples to help readers relate the concepts to everyday design and concludes with problems for readers to test their understanding of the material. Advanced Signal Integrity for High-Speed Digital Designs is suitable as a textbook for graduate-level courses on signal integrity, for programs taught in industry for professional engineers, and as a reference for the high-speed digital designer.


Logic designs, Digital electronics

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