Introduction to the theory of computation

Sipser, Michael

Introduction to the theory of computation Michael Sipser - 3RD - Australia : Cengage Learning, ©2013 - 458P:

1. Regular Languages. 2. Context-Free Languages. 3. The Church-Turing Thesis. 4. Decidability. 5. Reducibility. 6. Advanced Topics in Computability Theory. 7. Time Complexity. 8. Space Complexity. 9. Intractability. 10. Advanced Topics in Complexity Theory

Michael Sipser's emphasis on unifying computer science theory - rather than offering a collection of low-level details - sets the book apart, as do his intuitive explanations. Throughout the book, Sipser builds students' knowledge of conceptual tools used in computer science, the aesthetic sense they need to create elegant systems, and the ability to think through problems on their own


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